Bob Jacklin Patterns

Bob Jacklin Patterns

Bob Jacklin has been tying flies for decades out of West Yellowstone, Montana. He has an excellent fly shop there and has written dozens of articles and created several DVDs

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Bob Jacklin Patterns
  • Bob Jacklin: Green Caddis Rock Worm

    Bob Jacklin ( has been a fly fishing guide and outfitter in the Yellowstone region for over 37 years. He is a world class fly fisherman, fly tyer, and fly casting instructor. Bob holds a Masters Certification as a fly casting instructor, and sits on the FFF’s Board of Gove...

  • Bob Jacklin: Giant Salmon Fly Nymph


    Hook: Dai-Riki #270 or Tiemco #200R, sizes 2,4,6
    Thread: Black, 3/0 or 140 Denier Nylon
    Tail: Two Black Goose Biots
    Body: Bicycle Tire Inner Tube, Cut to shape and wrapped over #2 lead wire
    Thorax: Tan Australian Opossum Dubbing
    Wing Cases: Bicycle Inner Tube, cut to shape
    Legs: N...

  • Bob Jacklin: Giant Salmon Fly


    Hook: Tiemco #200r Size 4 and 6
    Thread: Flo. Orange 210 Denier
    Tail: None
    Egg Sack: Black Elk or Deer Hair
    Body: Salmon Fly Orange Dubbing over Dyed Black Elk Hair
    Ribbing: Two Brown Saddle Hackles
    Wing: Long Blond Elk Hair
    Legs: Black Rubber Legs, Med
    Head and Collar: Bullet H...

  • Bob Jacklin: Grey Wulff


    Hook: 1 X long
    Thread: 6/0 or 3/0 Black
    Tail: Fine Brown Bucktail
    Body: Gray Angora Yarn
    Wing: Fine Brown Bucktail Divided
    Hackle: 2 Blue Dun Gray Hackles
    Head: Black thread

  • Bob Jacklin: Green Drake

    This pattern was pulled from Bob Jacklin's Yellowstone Patterns a just released film available on DVD

  • Bob Jacklin: Western March Brown


    Hook: 2x long Nymph
    Thread: 3/0 Rusty Brown
    Tail: 3 tails, Pheasant Tail
    Body: Australian Opossum Dubbing
    Ribbing: Med. Brown Vinyl Rib
    Thorax: Australian Opossum Dubbing
    Wing Case: Brown Turkey Tail over which is placed Brown Body Stretch
    Legs: Partridge Breast Feather
    Head: A...