Booty's Dirty Head Sculpin - Boots Allen
Boots Allen
Boots Allen ties up the Dirty Head Sculpin which he uses for trout in this size and for bass in smaller sizes. It's a big chartreuse rabbit strip streamer pattern.
Boots is a long time guide, author, and fly tier from Eastern Idaho. He's tied a lot of great and varied patterns for us over the years so check out his other patterns on our website.
Hook: Daiichi 2200 or 2461, or equivalent, size 2/0 to #6
Thread: 210 Denier or 3/0, color to match body
Tail: Rabbit zonker strips, color to match body
Body: Senyo’s Laser Dub or Hare’s Ice Dub, color to match body
Ribbing: Red Ultra Wire
Lateral Line: Flashabou or Krinkle Mirror Flash
Head: EP Brush or EP Streamer Brush w/Micro Legs
Weight: Black or gunmetal tungsten and lead free round wire (size to match hook)
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