Charles Barton

Charles Barton

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Charles Barton
  • Charles Barton: Belizeable


    Hook: Daiichi 2143, size 1(red straight bend back eye salmon hook)
    Thread: Clear Mono
    Tag: Holographic Tinsel wound deeply onto the bend and back
    Body: Three separate Whiting Farms spey hackles, wound on from the tag forward. Colors can vary but the last feather (the veil) should al...

  • Charles Barton: Universal Spey

    Hook: Daiichi salmon fly hooks size 3/0 down to size 10
    Thread: Clear Mono
    Eyes: Barbell or bead chain (he uses Wapsi "Real Eyes")
    Tag: Holographic Tinsel wound down the hook bend and back up
    Body: Pine squirrel zonker palmered to just behind the eye.
    Collar: Whiting Spey feather, a...

  • Charles Barton: Pinecone

    From Charles:
    I have been tying stuff onto hooks for a long time. It began with poppers and jig heads, which served the fishing I was taught to do by my father. By the age of twelve I was approaching burn out from fishing the warm water mud pit impoundments of central Arkansas. Dear ol` Dad save...