Boots Allen: Lantham Crayfish
The Weekly Fly: The Original Library
Hook: Alec Jackson style 1/0 salmon hook (example- TMC 7999)
Thread: UTC 140, Burnt Orange
Claws: Ringneck pheasant neck feathers (those coming off the neck saddles directly posterior of white ringneck feathers)
Appendages: Four strands of copper Flashabou, plus two strands of peacock herl, plus two strands of olive Silli-Legs
Eyes: Dumbbell eyes, white or red
Body: Dyed pearl diamond braid, bonefish tan
Swimmerets: Saddles hackle, brown or honey
Backstrap: Rabbit fur strips - orange, burnt orange, or barred orange
Tail: Golden pheasant neck feathers
Up Next in The Weekly Fly: The Original Library
Boots Allen: Booty's Baitfish
Hook: Standard 1/0 or 2/0 saltwater hook (example- Mustad 34007)
Thread: Chartruese 3/0 flat wax nylon
Body: Ice or Krystal Flash chenille, gold or light olive
Top Wing: Super Hair or Crinkle Hair, blue
Interior Lateral Line: Krystal Flash chenille - gold or pearl
Exterior Lateral... -
Boots Allen: Booty's Mahogany Emerger
Hook: Standard dry fly or emerger hook, size 10 to 16
Thread: Black 6/0 or 8/0
Shuck: Brown ostrich herl
Abdomen: Brown camel dubbing
Ribbing: Fine 5 grain gold or copper wire
Thorax: .5mm closed cell razor foam, tan
Hackle: Brown Rooster
Wing: Dark Gray EP Fibers -
Boots Allen: Day-2 Midge Pupa
Hook: TMC 3769, size 18
Wing/Gills: White cdc puff
Head/Bead: Clear glass or tin, copper, or tungsten bead
Body: Olive, tan or gray monochord
Ribbing: Black 8/0 thread
Collar: Peacock herl