Al Ritt: ARF Midge Pupa
Trout and Steelhead Patterns
5m 49s
Hook: Tiemco 2487
Antennea: Organza, White
Bead: Glass, Gunmetal
Underbody: Thread, Red
Rib: Wire, X-Small Silver
Overbody: Micro Tubing, Clear
Wing: Organza, White
Thorax: Hare’e Ice Dub, Harder’s Bloody Black
Up Next in Trout and Steelhead Patterns
Josh Stanish: Baetis Wonder Nymph
Hook: TMC 5212 # 16-20
Thread: 70 Denier Gray Brown UTC
Tail: Dark Dun Hackle Fibers
Body: Olive Standard Tubing
Thorax: # 29 Hareline Dubbing
Wing: Grizzly Hackle -
Doug McKnight: Sweetgrass Hopper
Hook: #6-10 2xl nymph hook
Thread: UTC 140 Hopper Yellow
Body: Rainy's Crosslink foam 4mm, cream or tan
Legs: Rainy's Barred Rubber legs, tan or Yellow
Wingcase: Tan opaque Razor foam
Wing: Tan Neer Hair, or Antron yarn -
Matt Wilhelm: Peacock Softhackle
Thread: 6/0 Black
Hook: Dai Riki #125 emerger hook sz 14-16
Body: Peacock herl
Rib: Small copper or gold wire
Thorax: Peacock Ice Dubbing
Hackle: Hungarian Partridge