Al Ritt: L2HF Harey Yellowstone
Trout and Steelhead Patterns
9m 25s
Hook: Tiemco 100 or 101
Thread: UTC 70 Denier
Body: Yellow Super Fine Dubbing
Thorax: Yellow Super Fine Dubbing
Wing: White (winter phase) hair from the bottom of a snowshoe hare’s hind foot
Egg Sack: Red Foam
Trailing Bubbles: 2 strands of Mirage Opal Flash
Rib: Yellow Dyed Grizzly Hackle, palmered through body and trimmed short
Under Wing: Mirage Opal Flash
Spot: Red Foam
Hackle: Light Barred Ginger dry fly hackle
Up Next in Trout and Steelhead Patterns
Willy Self: T-Rex Worm
Hook : size 8 Scud
Thread : Red or Pink
Body : Rubber Squid Tenicle
Thorax Cover : Red Scud back
Head : Thread -
Dave Bloom: Leadeye Gotcha
Hook: Gamakatsu #2 SW
Thread: Shell Pink FW
Eyes: Med Lead Eye
Tail/Body: Pearl flat braid
Wing: Sand Craft Fur and Pearl Krystal Flash
Glue: 30 min Epoxy -
Willy Self: Willy's Rubber May
Hook: dia-riki 060 #10-#18
Tail-gadwall duck flank
Body- 2 colors of flexi-floss (Light & dark)choice of colors.
Wing case- mylar flash med.
Thorax- u.v. dubbing calibatis or other Bead can be added.