Boots Allen: Booty's Mahogany Emerger
Trout and Steelhead Patterns
Hook: Standard dry fly or emerger hook, size 10 to 16
Thread: Black 6/0 or 8/0
Shuck: Brown ostrich herl
Abdomen: Brown camel dubbing
Ribbing: Fine 5 grain gold or copper wire
Thorax: .5mm closed cell razor foam, tan
Hackle: Brown Rooster
Wing: Dark Gray EP Fibers
Up Next in Trout and Steelhead Patterns
Josh Stanish: Biggies Sculpin
Hook: TMC #300 #2-8
Thread: UTC 140 Olive
Tail: Olive Zonker Strip
Body: Olive Polar Chenile
Peck Fins: Grizzly Olive filoplume
Collar: Olive Brown Deer hair
Head: Olive Brown Deer hair -
Al Ritt: Ritt's Fighting Crayfish
Hook: Dai-Riki 700B
Thread: UTC 70 Denier
Eyes: Black Round Rubber
Body: Whitlock Crawdub SLF Dubbing
Legs: Saddle Hackle palmered through body and brushed out Dubbing
Weight: Lead Dumbell Eyes
Antennea: Crystal Flash
Carapace: Thin Skin
Claws: Foam Claws Mounted on Round Rubbe... -
Jerry Criss: Partridge and Green
Hook: #18-#10 standard wet fly hook
Thread: Rust Dun
Body: Green Superlon – Beading cord or silk
Floss: Persahair
Thorax: Peacock Herl
Hackle: Partridge