Kieran Frye: KC's Craney Fly
Trout and Steelhead Patterns
8m 38s
Hook: Mustad dryfly hook, sizes 10-12
Thread: Black 8/0 Uni thread
Body: Moose body hair tied on a needle
Wing/Post: The butts from the end of the extended body tied on the hook, then lifted upright like a wing or parachute post.
Hackle/Legs: 8-10 moose body hairs divided equally on each side of the post with the tips pointing back to the end of the body. The butts will form the legs. Tie them down behind and infront of the wing post then just fan them out with your fingers.
Up Next in Trout and Steelhead Patterns
Bob Jacklin: Western March Brown
Hook: 2x long Nymph
Thread: 3/0 Rusty Brown
Tail: 3 tails, Pheasant Tail
Body: Australian Opossum Dubbing
Ribbing: Med. Brown Vinyl Rib
Thorax: Australian Opossum Dubbing
Wing Case: Brown Turkey Tail over which is placed Brown Body Stretch
Legs: Partridge Breast Feather
Head: A... -
Chris Williams: CW's CDC & Foam Green...
Hook: TMC 2488 #12 or Partridge Klinkhammer #14
Thread: UTC 70 olive
Tail: March Brown antron dubbing shuck
Body: Underbody of Olive Superfine Dubbing, and overbody of Blue-Wing Olive turkey biot tied with a furled body
Thorax: Olive Superfine Dubbing with a translucent grey Razorf... -
Wayne Luallen: CDC Emerger
Hook: Daiichi 1260, #14-16 or Daiichi 1130, #16-20
Thread: Danville’s Flymaster 6/0
Tail: Zelon or Microzelon
Abdomen: Ringneck or Golden Pheasant tail feather barbs
Thorax: Dubbing blend
Wing: CDC, Type #2 feather
Head: Dubbed Whip Finish