Willy Self: Willy's Laser Midge
Trout and Steelhead Patterns
5m 14s
Willy discovered his passion for fly fishing at the early age of six. Shortly thereafter, he began tying his own flies for trout, salmon steelhead, and shad. Willy found his love of lake fishing early and has continued to fish stillwaters, becoming known far and wide for his expertise and knowledge. He has fished all over northern California, Idaho, and Montana. From famous blue ribbon trout rivers to high mountain lakes and reservoirs, from farm ponds to the big lakes, Willy has guided for over twenty years in Montana and Yellowstone National Park. Willy has continued to develop his fly tying skills and is currently a signature tyer for Brookside Flies out of Denver, Co. He is the Assistant Manager of Montana Troutfitters of Bozeman. He uses any number of Echo fly rods to ply his craft, including our spey and switch rods and is currently working on the new design of Airflo fly lines for special presentation on lakes. Spey casting may be a new approach for lake fishermen in the US, but in Europe it is a common practice allowing for long distant casts from the shoreline.
Hook: Diaichi 1150 12, 14, 16, and 18
Thread:70 Diner fly master plus
Body: Lazer wrap of choice
Wing: egg vail dubbing
Head: Glass bead
Up Next in Trout and Steelhead Patterns
Willy Self: Willy's Larva Lace Worm
Willy discovered his passion for fly fishing at the early age of six. Shortly thereafter, he began tying his own flies for trout, salmon steelhead, and shad. Willy found his love of lake fishing early and has continued to fish stillwaters, becoming known far and wide for his expertise and knowled...
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Bob Jacklin (www.jacklinsflyshop.com) has been a fly fishing guide and outfitter in the Yellowstone region for over 37 years. He is a world class fly fisherman, fly tyer, and fly casting instructor. Bob holds a Masters Certification as a fly casting instructor, and sits on the FFF’s Board of Gove...
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