Jerry Criss: Bleeding Minnow
The Weekly Fly: The Original Library
Hook: 200r or 2X streamer hook #4 to # 10
Thread: 8/0 rusty dun to olive "UNI"
Tail: Grey Artic Fox Tail
Underbody: Fine foil lead with the rest of the Tailing material wrapped forward
Body: Mylar ribbon material to match your water
Throat: White to grey artic fox tail
Wing: Grey to olive artic fox tail. On large minnows use a white under wing with the darker color over the top
Blood trails: The finest synthetic red material you can fine (Ice Fiber), even silk will work. (only 2 to 3 strands) on each side
Head: Thread color tyed full like the head
Up Next in The Weekly Fly: The Original Library
Jerry Criss: Classic Irish Mayfly
Hook: Standard wet fly hook #16 to #10
Thread: 8/0 Olive
Tail: Amherst Pheasant 4 to 5 barbs
Butt: Ostrich hurl or peacock hurl
Body: Olive silk or tight dubbing
Rib: Oval tensil silver
Thorax: Olive dubbing wrapped loose
Hackle: Yellow French Partridge
Note: These flies can be a... -
Steve Potter: Dahlberg Diver
Hook: Daiichi 2546
Thread: Gudebrod GX2 or Danville's Flat Waxed Nylon 210 Denier
Legs: Krystal Flash Pearl, Three or Four Whiting American Rooster Hackleplaced on each side of the hook away from each other.
Head: Stacked Deer Hair or Cow Elk Your choice of colors. I like mellow nat... -
Jerry Criss: Beadhead Calibaetis
Bead: One size smaller than normal for hook size
Hook: Mustad 390613 #18 to #12
Thread: Rusty Dun 8/0
Tail: Lemon Duck or Moose Body
Body: Hare’s ear
Rib: Fine Brass
Thorax: Hare’s ear or darker fur wing-case: pheasant tail, flash material, or Moose body
Legs: Partridge - Light ...